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Brave Browser: A Faster, Safer and Rewarding Browser

There are tonnes of browsers in the market viz. Chrome, Chromium, Safari, Firefox, Edge to just name a few. Google Chrome enjoys the largest share of users among all Web browsers. Google Chrome is based on the Google backed open source project called Chromium. In recent years, we have experienced that more and more browsers are adopting the chromium platform. 


Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. It blocks ads and website trackers, and provides a way for users to send cryptocurrency contributions in the form of Basic Attention Tokens to websites and content creators.



  • It blocks network calls for trackers, ads and other monitoring scripts resulting in a safer and faster web browsing experience. 

  • It blocks ads from youtube and other web pages leading to faster load of the page and saves time when you are watching video on youtube.


  • It blocks all trackers and scripts


  • You can easily import bookmarks and other settings from the previous browser. 

  • You can install all chrome extensions from the google chrome extension webstore.


  • You can earn BAT(Basic Attention Token) cryptocurrency just by enabling the Brave Rewards. Brave shows ads from its partner network in the small notification tile format, which disappears in a few seconds. You can opt to receive upto 5 ads per hour. 


The "Basic Attention Token" (BAT) is an open-source, decentralized ad exchange platform based on Ethereum.

In an initial coin offering on 31 May 2017, Brave Software International SEZC sold 1,000,000,000 BAT for a total of 156,250 Ethereum (US$35M) in less than 30 seconds. An additional 500,000,000 BAT was retained by the company, to be used to promote the adoption of the platform.


Download the brave browser here and start browning the web safer, faster and earn cryptocurrencies in the process.


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Coin Flipping Puzzle: Interview Question

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कोई तो होता

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Huffman Coding

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[Fixed] Alexa can count only from 1 to 10

Note : At the time of writing this post, Alexa had this issue which has been resolved. Alexa can now count flawlessley even in reverse. Alexa is the smart virtual assistance by Amazon. It is beating google now and Siri on non-screen devices. Alexa is hailed for its intelligence but it seems that the Alexa knows to count only from 1 to 10. By 1 to 10, I mean exactly from 1 to 10; neither more nor less. Even asking Alexa to count from 1 to 5 or 3 to 10 or 3 to 5 results in an apology from Alexa. Watch the above video to see for yourself.